The Investor Journey


1 - Join

After you subscribe to our Newsletter, you will be invited to review our upcoming Real Estate opportunities from across the best Investment markets, as they become available.

2 - Book a call

Understanding our investors is our passion.

An investor-journey call is what we have found to be the best way to start our relationship.

3 - Invest

You know us, you like us, and you trust us to be your fiduciary.

Investing is the next step when that time comes.

You will feel confident using our safe, secure, easy-to-use, online portal

4 - Peace of Mind

You’re money is now working for you.

Additionally, the online portal enables full transparency and 24hr access

You are on the path to generate passive income.

Welcome to a new way of living.


The Arctos Capital Strategy

The Fund partners with experienced operators in strategic markets, to reposition properties through tightening operational inefficiencies, renovations and complete rebranding.

Arctos Capital assumes a fiduciary approach to acquisitions and management of U.S. multifamily real estate investment opportunities. Our process is strengthened by a sound foundation of investment principles, a comprehensive approach to every facet of the investment lifecycle, and the extensive ‘hands on’ expertise of Arctos Capital partners.

From broad market research, to investment sourcing, to execution and eventual harvest, each Arctos Capital professional champions the values and rigors of the group’s investment process. Arctos Capital takes an assertive approach to asset management in collaboration with its investment partners, which demands value creation and rapid de-risking of investments at the asset level and within the capital structure.

How we work with our trusted Multifamily sponsors

1 - Acquisition

We continually monitor our markets and leverage relationships in the industry to find properties that meet our stringent criteria and will provide strong returns for our Fund investors.

Once under contract, we perform qualitative and quantitative due diligence–ensuring our partners business plan is able to meet the Fund’s ambitious growth strategy.


2 - Reposition

After closing, our partner’s operations and property management team begin executing the business plan to increase the Net Operating Income and force the appreciation.

Our partners aim to complete all rehabilitation work within the first 18 months of ownership and put all value creation strategies to work within 12 months


3 - Cash Flow

Our partner’s operations team continues to oversee day to day operations at the property while the Fund enjoy the benefits of a cash-flow positive asset.

Fund investors receive quarterly newsletters with information on the markets we are operating in, along with their distributions of cash flow.

4 - Refinance

Once Repositioning is complete and a target asset is fully occupied and stabilized, the properties are appraised and the team will look to capitalize on the newly created value.

This creates an opportunity to return a significant piece of the Fund’s capital back to when the equity created is realized.


5 - Disposition

As our trusted partners are continually monitoring the market and leveraging their broker relationships, they will begin to look for the most advantageous exit of the property that will meet or exceed the Fund’s expectations.

Potential exit strategies include sale or refinance to return Fund capital, or transition property into longer-term hold to capitalize on cash flow distributions